Every day, those in the know debate the news around Salhia Brakhlia and Renaud Dély.
Reading time: 21 min

The themes :
The bill on the end: In the initial text, only patients suffering from “serious and incurable condition, with a vital prognosis in the short or medium term”, could resort to assisted suicide. After adoption of amendments during the examination by the special committee, it is now people “suffering from a serious and incurable illness in the advanced or terminal phase” who could use it. In the eyes of the government, this sentence therefore upsets the balance of the text.
Unemployment insurance reform: Prime Minister Gabriel Attal revealed in La Tribune-Dimanche the terms of the new unemployment insurance reform proposed by the government. The duration of compensation will be reduced from 18 to 15 months, and it will now be necessary to have worked 8 months out of the previous 20 months to be able to be compensated (compared to 6 out of 24 today). The head of government also announced the establishment of a “senior employment bonus”.
The Informed:
Agathe Lambretjournalist in the political service of France info
Jean-Jérôme Bertoluspolitical columnist
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