end of electricity cuts for unpaid bills at EDF


Article written by

G. de Florival, N. Leydier, M. Bitton – France 3

France Televisions

Pointed out by many associations, EDF has decided not to cut off electricity to customers no longer paying their bills.

This is a big step taken by EDF. The electricity supplier will no longer cut off electricity to homes in default, whether during the winter break or the rest of the season. The practice was previously pointed on point by associations. Customers without electricity found themselves without light or telephone. This is good news, as energy prices have been soaring for the past few weeks.

Instead of cutting off the power to customers in default, EDF will reduce the electrical power, which will be 1000 Watts, the minimum required to keep essential electrical devices running, “such as lighting, kitchen equipment or recharging electrical appliances”, as explained in the company’s press release. For the foundation of the Abbé-Pierre, the practice is a good thing which must be spread. “We hope that other energy suppliers will follow”, explains Christophe Robert, general delegate of the foundation.

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