end of custody for the companion of Cédric Jubillar


France 2

Article written by

N. Perez, M.-C. Delouvrié, D. Breysse, N. Sadok – France 2

France Televisions

After 38 hours of police custody for “complicity in the concealment of a corpse” in the context of the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, the companion of Cédric Jubillar left the gendarmerie of Gaillac (Tarn), on the evening of Thursday, December 16 . No charges were brought against her.

Séverine Longhini left the police station in Gaillac (Tarn) on the evening of Thursday, December 16, after 38 hours in custody. The companion of Cédric Jubillar was arrested on the morning of December 14 for “complicity in the concealment of a corpse”, in the context of the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, the wife of his companion. The custody is lifted and Madame is fine. She is tired so not even able to make statements to the press, says the lawyer for the 44-year-old woman.

If Séverine Longhini has not made a public statement to the press, she gave her news during a telephone conversation, during which she seems destabilized and exhausted by these interrogations. I feel better (…) I can’t tell you more (…) you have to leave me alone because I have suffered enough from the questions (…) There, I must rest, she said. Investigators say that Cédric Jubillar’s companion was cooperative and very consistent in her responses. The husband of the disappeared therefore remains the main suspect in this case.


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