Last spring, the Department of Loiret launched a new device entitled “Three months for a job”. It was about reactivate recipients of the RSA (active solidarity income). Today at the time of the balance sheet, the figures speak for themselves.
178 people were specifically supervised by ten “coaches”, ten agents of the local authority distributed throughout the territory, who accompanied on a daily basis, with a personalized follow-up. Today, 80 of them resumed at least an activity on a fixed-term or permanent contract or on a temporary basis and 38 have started training.
For Pauline Martin, the mayor of Meung-sur-Loire and vice-president of the Departmental Council in charge of integration, the formula has proven itself even if it seems difficult to generalize it because it requires large human resources for support. It’s a financial effort, she says, we change gears. “We have a totally different and much more human approach to all these people”.
I’m here to restore his confidence but without him I wouldn’t have made it.
Charline Peyrat was able to restore confidence in Allaric, who after a professional failure in illustration for children, had found himself unemployed. “This device for people like me is a huge help, it’s a lifesaver.”. Now the young man is working 20 hours per week, he is a home helper and he likes it. “Human contact is what I prefer. And I have a healthy work environment. I desperately needed to regain my self-confidence and there I have never been better”.
Lydie Lahaix
Chantal Lafond co-manages Axéo Services and is happy to have him on our team. “We are very present to accompany him, whether in his performances or when he needs to speak, so that he has that confidence again, because in addition people appreciate him very much.“. Allaric is still in a probationary period, but he could quickly be entrusted with other missions in this company, such as taking charge of communication and social networks.
There are currently in the Loiret, 16,000 RSA beneficiaries. Ultimately, the Department would like that a third of recipients can benefit from this formula “Three months for a job”.