[EN IMAGES] Iran: an artist turns the fountains blood red to illustrate the repression

An anonymous artist colored Tehran’s water fountains red on Friday in reference to the bloody crackdown on three weeks of protests that erupted after the death of Mahsa Amini.

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This 22-year-old Iranian Kurd died on September 16, three days after her arrest in Tehran by the morality police for violating the strict dress code imposing in particular on women to wear the veil in the Islamic Republic.

[EN IMAGES]  Iran: an artist turns the fountains blood red to illustrate the repression

Anger over his death has sparked the largest protests in nearly three years in Iran. The crackdown left dozens dead and hundreds arrested.

Despite the security forces’ use of lethal weapons to crush them, the protests continued for twenty consecutive days and nights, according to online videos authenticated by AFP.

[EN IMAGES]  Iran: an artist turns the fountains blood red to illustrate the repression

The images of the blood-red fountains were shared online by the media 1500tasvir, which lists the violations. These fountains are located in the center of Tehran.

Activists on Twitter described the red fountains as a “work of art” dubbed “Tehran covered in blood” and said they were designed by an anonymous artist.

[EN IMAGES]  Iran: an artist turns the fountains blood red to illustrate the repression

According to the Oslo-based NGO Iran Human Rights (IHR), at least 92 protesters have been killed in the crackdown, which has been accompanied by restrictions on internet access, including blocking of Instagram and WhatsApp.

In a video published online Thursday and authenticated by AFP, a group of women sing “death to the dictator” in Racht, in the north. Other images show women shouting “Azadi” (“freedom” in Persian) and clapping loudly as they walk down a street in Quds, west of Tehran.

[EN IMAGES]  Iran: an artist turns the fountains blood red to illustrate the repression

Amnesty International says it has confirmed 52 cases of people killed by security forces, but believes that “the real number is much higher”.

In a statement released a week ago, the NGO says Iran has deliberately used lethal force to suppress protests led by women.

Amnesty says it has obtained a document for commanders of the armed forces of all provinces issued on September 21, ordering them to “respond firmly” to protesters.

[EN IMAGES]  Iran: an artist turns the fountains blood red to illustrate the repression

Another document reveals that the commander of the province of Mazandéran (north) asks the security forces to “face without mercy” and “go as far as to kill” what is described as “any chaos caused by rioters”.

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