[EN IMAGES] Floods in Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval: the mayor declares a state of emergency

The mayoress of Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval, north of Quebec, declared a state of emergency in response to the floods affecting many sectors of her municipality and forced the evacuation of more than 600 people following the torrential rains that fell on the region.

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“It announces still a lot of rain, we must act in prevention to avoid the worst. This state of emergency will allow citizens to stay safe longer,” explains Mayor France Fortier.

In 48 hours, historical precipitation of 137 mm fell in the Montmorency forest, where the river that crosses Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval flows. So much so that a record flow of 966 m3/s was forecast for the Montmorency River at the worst of the crisis.

Photo Jeremy Bernier

To prevent a major flood, more than 650 people had to be evacuated from different areas of the municipality, including Île Enchanteresse and rue des Deux-Rapides.

“We expect similar floods in winter. But also late in the summer? It’s unheard of!” exclaims Josée Poulin, a sixty-year-old who has lived all her life in Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval.

Little damage… so far

The situation finally stabilized in the middle of the day, after the river flow had reached a peak of 737 m3/s. The damage was ultimately limited to the erosion of the banks, the subsidence of certain sections of roads and the crushing of debris on Île Enchanteresse.

But it is too early to say that the worst is behind us, says Moïse Mayer, director of public security for Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval.

“The next few hours will show us the full power of water. […] There is always a delay of about twelve hours before the runoff is completed. So we keep it under surveillance, ”he explains.

Photo Jeremy Bernier

This is why the municipality has decided to declare a state of emergency, which will facilitate control of access to traffic lanes, speed up decision-making and give the possibility of ordering the evacuation of certain territories.

This measure will also make it possible to request the assistance of citizens able to help the workforce on the territory, to requisition private accommodation and to incur expenses deemed necessary.

Photo Jeremy Bernier

Solutions to be found

“I have confidence that we will manage to get through it. We will help them [les citoyens] and we will be there for them, ”launched the mayor, wanting to be reassuring.

Ms. Fortier emphasizes that she will engage in discussions with governments to find solutions to the floods that too often put the lives of her citizens at risk.

Photo Jeremy Bernier

Remember that the Christmas of hundreds of families in the area fell through in 2020 during major floods.

The Organization des bassins versants de Charlevoix-Montmorency was also on site to take measures that will eventually allow the flood zone maps to be revised.

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