“En Face” the restaurant that benefits from the city of gastronomy and wine of Dijon

Nearly 18,000 people came to visit the international city of gastronomy in Dijon for the first opening weekend from May 6 to 8. An opening after ten years of project and five years of work, with inside a cinema, a culinary library, a cooking school, but also a butcher or a fishmonger. The City could well benefit the surrounding businesses, this is already the case of the restaurant “In front of the city”. And as its name suggests, it is right in front. For the opening weekend, it was full and the manager Maya Ba expects to receive more people, even if she did not wait for this moment to create her clientele. She answers questions from France Bleu Bourgogne.

France Bleu Bourgogne: Maya Ba, for this opening weekend you received a lot of people, does that confirm the good location of your restaurant?

Maya Ba: Yes exactly, we were full in the restaurant. I’m just opposite, but be careful, I was there long before them, they’re the ones who copied me. I already had a regular clientele before, I’ve been here for three years, the CIGV tourists will be a plus.

What are your hopes with the opening of the international city of gastronomy and wine?

With or without the city, I already have a loyal clientele, which has followed me for three years now that I’ve been here. It will add a little extra. I hope it will last, that it will not become a flop. But I’m not counting on that, I didn’t open the restaurant because there’s the housing estate.

How did you experience these years of work?

It was a mess. Because with the works we were very, very annoyed. There were trucks everywhere. I couldn’t work with the noise. It was annoying vis-à-vis my terrace. And now, we’re going to say that it’s a blessing in disguise because it’s beautiful. I was annoyed for three years, but at least the rendering is good. We are going to welcome people from Dijon and tourists as it should be, we are only asking for that, and it will bring me work.

Are you planning to hire or stay with your current team?

I’ve been looking to hire for a while since the Covid crisis. It was a complicated period for restaurateurs. So I’m always looking for people, one person in service and one in the kitchen, that would allow us to rotate between evening and lunch service.

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