[EN DIRECT] 92nd day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

The invasion in Ukraine continues for a 92and day as the Russian army continues to advance towards Severodonetsk in eastern Ukraine.

Here are the latest developments, minute by minute

The Russians seek to seize an eastern city, Kyiv demands heavy weapons

A resident of Vilkhivka pets a cat near a destroyed house in his village near Kharkiv.

The Russian army continues to advance towards Severodonetsk in eastern Ukraine and Kyiv, worried about a risk of overrun, calls for more heavy weapons to match the Russian firepower.

5:41 | Scholz “convinced” that Putin will not win the war in Ukraine

A resident of Vilkhivka pets a cat near a destroyed house in his village near Kharkiv.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he was “convinced” on Thursday that Russia would not win the war in Ukraine, also saying that President Vladimir Putin would not be allowed to “dictate” peace.

3h55 | In Ukraine, getting married despite the war

A resident of Vilkhivka pets a cat near a destroyed house in his village near Kharkiv.

Let your joy burst out to put some balm on the ills of Ukraine or remain discreet so as not to offend anyone? At the time of the wedding, the war places the lovers faced with a difficult choice.

At the marriage office of Irpin, a city in the suburbs of Kyiv heavily marked by the conflict, Ivan Khvatov, 39, and Olessya Khvatova, 41, wed on Wednesday on the sly.

Without guest or witness, they presented themselves in jeans-sneakers in front of the civil status officer who quickly united them. They just exchanged a kiss after signing the register.

3h31 | War in Ukraine: what fate for prisoners of war?

What fate awaits the soldiers arrested in the Ukrainian conflict? Russians or Ukrainians, these combatants are protected by one of the Geneva Conventions on prisoners of war, remind the defenders of human rights and the specialists.

2h47 | After the controversy, the Russian soprano Anna Netrebko received an ovation in Paris

A resident of Vilkhivka pets a cat near a destroyed house in his village near Kharkiv.

Star Russian soprano Anna Netrebko was given a standing ovation at the Philharmonie de Paris for her return to the stage in a Western capital, after being criticized since the war in Ukraine.

1h53 | A makeup artist realizes her dream in Cannes after fleeing Ukraine

A resident of Vilkhivka pets a cat near a destroyed house in his village near Kharkiv.

When she fled Ukraine the day after the Russian invasion, she had no idea what awaited her: the Ukrainian make-up artist Aliona Antonova is today in Cannes, where she makes up the biggest movie stars.

1 hour | Ukraine, cemetery of helicopters?

Will the conflict in Ukraine sound the death knell for the helicopter? The extent of the losses of these devices recalls their vulnerability but above all the need not to use them alone, according to experts who point out the errors of the Russian forces.

0h47 | Brazil turns to natural fertilizers

A resident of Vilkhivka pets a cat near a destroyed house in his village near Kharkiv.

Faced with a risk of shortage of fertilizers and a surge in their prices with the sanctions aimed at Russia, the Brazilian agricultural sector is turning to natural alternative solutions to reduce its production costs while ensuring its harvests.

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