[EN DIRECT] 38th day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

On the 38th day of their invasion of Ukraine, the Russians change their strategy to concentrate their forces in southern and eastern Ukraine.

Here are the latest developments, minute by minute

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6:51 am | Veteran Ukrainian photographer found dead near Kyiv

[EN DIRECT]  38th day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

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A veteran Ukrainian photographer and documentalist, Maks Levine, who had not been heard from for three weeks, was found dead after the withdrawal of Russian troops from territory near Kyiv, the Ukrainian presidency announced on Saturday.

6:28 | Ukraine: “rapid withdrawal” of Russian forces from the north of the country

[EN DIRECT]  38th day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

Russian forces are making a “rapid withdrawal” from the Kyiv and Cherniguiv regions in northern Ukraine and aim to “gain a foothold in the east and south”, an adviser to the Ukrainian presidency said on Saturday. , Mykhailo Podoliak.

5:43 | Ukraine: the Red Cross attempts a new evacuation in Mariupol, bombardments in several regions

[EN DIRECT]  38th day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

The Red Cross is preparing on Saturday to attempt evacuations of civilians from the besieged city of Mariupol, in the south-east of Ukraine from which more than 3,000 people have already fled, after another night of bombardments in several regions of the country.

1h48 | Iraq: oil exports at 11.07 million USD in March, record in 50 years

[EN DIRECT]  38th day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

Iraq exported $11.07 billion worth of oil in March, setting a record since 1972, according to preliminary data from the Oil Ministry, as crude prices were driven up by the war in Ukraine.

00:37 | Ukraine: Beijing assures not to circumvent Western sanctions

[EN DIRECT]  38th day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

China is not “deliberately” circumventing Western sanctions against Russia, Beijing said on Saturday, the day after an EU warning that any support for Moscow will harm its economic relations with Europe.

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