[EN DIRECT] 32nd day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

Russian and Ukrainian forces continue their clashes in Ukrainian territory on Sunday for a 32and daytime.

If the mayor of Kyiv had announced on Saturday morning that a curfew would be in effect until Monday, he finally reversed his decision, allowing residents to move freely on Sunday during the day.

Here are the latest developments, minute by minute

8:30 p.m. | New fires in the Chernobyl zone, according to Ukraine

6:19 p.m. | Polish TV organizes a global telethon in support of Ukraine

5:15 p.m. | Regime change in Russia is not ‘NATO’s goal’

4:15 p.m. | Several Russian businessmen have offered help to Ukraine, says Zelensky

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday that several Russian businessmen had offered to donate money to help Ukraine, including supporting its army.

3:08 p.m. | Russian soldier surrenders and sells his tank to Ukraine

2:33 p.m. | The question of the “neutrality” of Ukraine is “studied in depth”

[EN DIRECT]  32nd day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

The question of Ukraine’s “neutrality”, one of the central points of negotiations with Russia to end the conflict, is “studied in depth”, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky assured Sunday in an interview with Russian media.

2:22 p.m. | Compared to Putin, French butchers resent Biden

Calling Vladimir Putin a “butcher”, the American president, Joe Biden, has attracted the discontent of a group of real butchers.

[EN DIRECT]  32nd day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

Artisan butchers in Tarn, a department in southern France, called the US president’s statement ‘intolerable’ and ‘insulting’, the French media reported. The Midi Dispatch.

12:09 | A separation from Ukraine like that of Korea is feared by an official

Russia may want to establish a Korean-style separation in Ukraine, an official with the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense said on Sunday.

“After failing to take Kyiv and overthrow the Ukrainian government [le président russe Vladimir]Putin changes operational orientation”, focusing on “the south and the east” of the country, estimated on Facebook Kyrylo Boudanov, head of military intelligence.

12:00 | Ukraine fears worsening in Mariupol and the East

The capital fears a worsening of the situation in Mariupol and eastern Ukraine, following the announcement Friday by Moscow of a “concentration of its efforts on the liberation of Donbass”, declared Sunday an adviser to the Ukrainian presidency.

[EN DIRECT]  32nd day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

This Russian announcement could lead to “a worsening” of the situation around Mariupol, a strategic port in the south-east of the country besieged since the end of February, and in the whole of the Donbass mining basin, said Oleksiï Arestovych, in a video message posted on the presidency’s Telegram account.

11:50 a.m. | New round of Russian-Ukrainian negotiations at the beginning of the week

Russian and Ukrainian delegations will meet in Turkey from Monday to Wednesday for a new round of face-to-face negotiations, one of the Ukrainian negotiators, David Arakhamia, announced on Sunday.

11:47 am | France calls for continued dialogue with Putin

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian on Sunday called for continued dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin until he realizes the ‘price to pay’ for his invasion of Israel. Ukraine and that he wants to negotiate.

10:57 am | In Kharkiv, sand barricades to save the poet Shevchenko from shells

[EN DIRECT]  32nd day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

How to protect its heritage from grapeshot: Ukraine’s second city, Kharkiv, subjected daily to Russian bombardments, began this weekend to erect sand barricades in front of its most emblematic statues.

10:24 am | Assess the bombing of the Mariupol theater, an almost impossible mission, according to an elected official

[EN DIRECT]  32nd day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

More than 10 days after the bombardment of the Mariupol theater, the fate of the hundreds of civilians who had taken refuge there is still unknown: faulty communications and the absence of local authorities make the mission almost impossible, explained to the AFP an elected municipal of this port of the south-east of Ukraine besieged by the Russian forces.

09:40 | Luhansk separatists could hold a referendum to join Russia

The separatist territory of Lugansk, whose independence Moscow has recognized, could soon hold a referendum to join Russia, the territory’s leader, Leonid Passechnik, said on Sunday.

“I think that in the near future a referendum will be held on the territory of the republic [autoproclamée de Lougansk]during which the people will exercise their absolute constitutional right and express their opinion on joining the Russian Federation,” he said, quoted by Russian agencies.

09:04 | Half of Ukrainians ready to fight, poll finds

Nearly half of Ukrainians between the ages of 18 and 55 say they are ready to participate directly in the fighting against the Russian invasion, according to a poll compiled by European researchers despite the constraints of the war.

For men, this share rises to around 70%, while it is around 30% for women, according to this opinion poll, the results of which were published by the Oslo Peace Research Institute (Prio). with the support of local pollster Info Sapiens.

07:57 | Over 3.8 million refugees, pace of arrival slower

More than 3.8 million people have fled Ukraine since the Russian army invaded on February 24, according to the UN count published on Sunday, but the flow of refugees has slowed markedly since March 22. .

[EN DIRECT]  32nd day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

In total, more than ten million people, more than a quarter of the population, had to leave their homes either by crossing the border to find refuge in neighboring countries or by finding refuge elsewhere in Ukraine.

07:42 | Macron calls for de-escalation of words, respite in Mykolaiv

French President Emmanuel Macron warned on Sunday against “the escalation of words and actions” in Ukraine, the day after his American counterpart Joe Biden’s remarks about Vladimir Putin, whom he called a “butcher”.

“I will not use this kind of talk because I continue to discuss with President Putin,” said Mr. Macron, who asked to avoid “the escalation of words of actions” to “stop the war that Russia launched in Ukraine without going to war”.

07:40 | Pope Francis denounces the “martyrdom” of Ukraine

[EN DIRECT]  32nd day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

Pope Francis on Sunday denounced “the martyrdom” of Ukraine and the “barbaric and sacrilegious” “aggression” of the country by Russia.

0700 | Washington is not seeking regime change in Russia, says Blinken

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Sunday that Washington was not seeking regime change in Russia, adding that this issue was “up to the Russians”, to clarify remarks made the day before by US President Joe Biden.

[EN DIRECT]  32nd day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

In Warsaw on Saturday, President Biden compared Russian President Vladimir Putin to “a butcher” and claimed he could “not stay in power.” The White House soon after clarified that he had not called for “regime change” in Russia.

06:43 | Macron ‘wouldn’t use’ words of Biden, who calls Putin a ‘butcher’

French President Emmanuel Macron said on Sunday that he “would not use” the terms of US President Joe Biden, who called Vladimir Putin a “butcher”, believing that one should not be “in the ‘escalation of neither words nor actions’ in the war in Ukraine.

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[EN DIRECT]  32nd day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

Armed with a precious basket of groceries, a Quebecer has been going back and forth to the border between Ukraine and Poland 10 hours a day since last Monday to help exhausted refugees carry their luggage.

05:15 | In Mykolaiv, the Russian noose seems to be loosening, the inhabitants regain hope

Nailed for three weeks to her bed in the basement of a Mykolaiv hospital pounded by Russian artillery, Sofia, 13, still has metal shrapnel in her skull despite three operations, but keeps her smile and dreams full. the head: playing the guitar and becoming a painter.

After terrible weeks during which the Russian army tried in vain to blow up this city-lock on the road to Odessa, the largest port in Ukraine, in recent days the threat seems to be receding. The front has even retreated significantly, with a Ukrainian counter-offensive on Kherson, some 80 km to the south-east, the only major city for which the Russian army had claimed total control.

05:00 | The ICRC formally denies participating in forced evacuations

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has formally denied facilitating forced evacuations of Ukrainian civilians to Russia.

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“The distinguished capital Tiraspol welcomes you,” announces in Cyrillic a structure at the entrance to the city, while Soviet buildings loom behind.

[EN DIRECT]  32nd day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

The newspaper is not convinced to feel this welcome. Representatives of foreign media are viewed askance in Transnistria. Russian propaganda is everywhere.

04:21 | Germany plans to acquire an anti-missile shield

The German government, convinced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine to invest heavily in defense, is considering the acquisition of an Israeli missile protection system, the daily said on Sunday. Picture.

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