[EN DIRECT] 30th day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

Thirty days after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, several towns are still under bombardment.

Here are the latest developments, minute by minute

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A Ukrainian soldier stands near a house hit by Russian shelling in Kyiv.

Having just returned from Poland, where he cared for war refugees day and night, a family doctor feels he has accomplished his duty and is proud to have inspired many Quebecers who wanted to help the Ukrainian people.

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A Ukrainian soldier stands near a house hit by Russian shelling in Kyiv.

EYEPRESS via Reuters Connect

NATO showed on Thursday that it was taking seriously the growing threat of a chemical or nuclear attack by Russia in Ukraine, warning it of retaliation and sending protective equipment to the region.

6:08 am | Ukraine asks the EU to close its borders with Russia and Belarus

6:01 am | Phosphorus bombs in Ukraine: the Kremlin denies any violation of international law

“Russia has never violated any international convention,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said when asked by the press about the Ukrainian accusations.

5:50 am | Four civilians killed in Russian shelling of Kharkiv medical center

A Ukrainian soldier stands near a house hit by Russian shelling in Kyiv.

A Russian bombardment on a medical center in Kharkiv, eastern Ukraine, left four dead and at least three injured, regional police in the country’s second city said on Friday.

5:45 am | Around 300 feared dead in Mariupol theater strike

A Ukrainian soldier stands near a house hit by Russian shelling in Kyiv.

About 300 dead are feared in the theater of Mariupol bombarded by the Russian air force on March 16 while hundreds of people were sheltered there, announced Friday the town hall of the city, citing witnesses.

5:30 am | Germany drastically reduces its energy dependence on Russia

A Ukrainian soldier stands near a house hit by Russian shelling in Kyiv.

Germany announced on Friday that it would sharply reduce its heavy dependence on Russia’s energy resources, doing without its coal by the fall and its oil by the end of the year.

4h37 | Russia claims to have destroyed Ukrainian army’s largest fuel reserve

A Ukrainian soldier stands near a house hit by Russian shelling in Kyiv.

Russia said on Friday that it had destroyed the Ukrainian army’s largest fuel reserve near Kyiv the day before with cruise missiles.

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A Ukrainian soldier stands near a house hit by Russian shelling in Kyiv.

Ukrainian counter-attacks disrupt Russian operations around Kyiv. The encirclement of the city is now unlikely, according to Western military sources.

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