[EN DIRECT] 25th day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

Russia claimed on Sunday – the 25th day of the war – to have used hypersonic missiles in Ukraine for a second consecutive day.

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Here are the latest developments, minute by minute

7:11 am | Russians are in danger of becoming rapidly impoverished

The heavy sanctions imposed on the government of Vladimir Putin will lead to the rapid impoverishment of the Russian population, which will pay the high price for the war that its president has chosen to wage, according to experts.

6:04 am | Boris Johnson urges China to condemn Russian invasion of Ukraine

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Sunday urged China to take a stand and condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

5:22 | Ukrainian President Zelensky addresses Israelis on Sunday

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who has highlighted his Jewish heritage in his quest for support against Russia’s invasion of his country, addresses Sunday by videoconference to the Knesset, the Parliament of Israel, a country that is trying to mediation between Moscow and Kyiv.

5:12 | Ukraine: a school serving as a refuge bombed, civilians under the rubble according to the authorities

The Russian military bombed an art school serving as a refuge for several hundred people in Mariupol, southeastern Ukraine, local authorities charged on Sunday, adding that civilians were trapped under the rubble.

3h40 | Russia says it used hypersonic missiles again

Russia claimed on Sunday, for the second day in a row, that it used hypersonic missiles in Ukraine, this time to destroy a Ukrainian army fuel reserve in the south of the country.

1h50 | Energy, food, poverty, growth: The impact of the war in Ukraine will be global and widespread

Energy, agriculture, inflation, poverty … The war in Ukraine will also have major consequences on Eastern Europe and the world and a slowdown in global growth is likely, explains to AFP the chief economist of the European Development Bank (EBRD), Beata Javorcik.

1h45 | With the war in Ukraine, the tearing apart of the Russians in America

In the days following the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian School of Mathematics, a major academic support network in the United States, had no choice but to take a stand against Vladimir Putin’s decision. .

Calling the war a “real, great and concrete source of pain for all of us”, the school issued a statement to dispel any doubt: “We stand with the people of Ukraine against Vladimir Putin, his regime and the military invasion of Ukraine.”

00:00 | One of Europe’s largest steelworks damaged in Mariupol

The Azovstal steel and metallurgical plant in Mariupol, one of the largest in Europe, was heavily damaged by shelling, Ukrainian officials said on Sunday.


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