[EN DIRECT] 106th day of war in Ukraine: here are all the latest developments

Russian invasion of Ukraine continues for 106e day in Ukraine, when Moscow now controls a large part of the city of Severodonetsk, a decisive step in the conquest of Donbass.

Here are the latest developments, minute by minute

6:24 am | Zelensky calls for the exclusion of Russia from the FAO

Employees of a supermarket partially destroyed by a missile clean the rubble of the building, on the outskirts of Kharkiv.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday called for Russia’s exclusion from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), amid Kyiv’s accusations of Moscow blocking and stealing Ukrainian grain .

READ | The invasion of Ukraine benefits crooks

Employees of a supermarket partially destroyed by a missile clean the rubble of the building, on the outskirts of Kharkiv.

Unscrupulous individuals tried to take advantage of the war in Ukraine to defraud generous Canadians, who reported dozens of these scams to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.

5:39 | The invasion of “Nazi” Ukraine, the culmination of Putin’s rewriting of the national narrative

Employees of a supermarket partially destroyed by a missile clean the rubble of the building, on the outskirts of Kharkiv.

The “denazification” of Ukraine, a reason given by Moscow to justify its military offensive, is part of the strategy of rewriting history undertaken by Vladimir Putin to impose a new great national narrative, explains to AFP French historian Nicolas Werth.

5:35 am | Russian maneuvers in the Baltic Sea, in full tension with NATO

Several dozen Russian ships took part in military exercises in the Baltic Sea on Thursday, against a backdrop of growing tensions around this strategic expanse where NATO is also currently conducting maneuvers.

5:23 | Ukraine calls for heavy weapons for Severodonetsk where “the fate” of Donbass is at stake

Employees of a supermarket partially destroyed by a missile clean the rubble of the building, on the outskirts of Kharkiv.

Ukraine on Thursday demanded “long-range” Western artillery weapons which it said would allow it to quickly retake Severodonetsk, a city in the east where, according to Kyiv, “the fate” of Donbass, Moscow’s strategic priority, is being played out.

3h48 | Isolated, Russia commemorates the tsar who opened his country to Europe

Employees of a supermarket partially destroyed by a missile clean the rubble of the building, on the outskirts of Kharkiv.

Russia commemorates Thursday the birthday of Tsar Peter the Great, who worked to bring the empire closer to Europe, an echo of the past that clashes three centuries later, in full rupture between Moscow and the West because of the conflict in Ukraine.

1h23 | The body of the journalist killed in Ukraine repatriated to France

Employees of a supermarket partially destroyed by a missile clean the rubble of the building, on the outskirts of Kharkiv.

The remains of journalist Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff, killed in Ukraine, arrived overnight from Wednesday to Thursday in France, welcomed by members of his family, relatives and the Minister of Culture Rima Abdul Malak, noted a photographer from the AFP.

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