Employment: many recruits without a baccalaureate


France 2

Article written by

N.Tabouri, N.Fleury, A.Chopin, P.Wursthorn, E.Delevoye, Y.Kadouch – France 2

France Televisions

Monday, May 23, is the start of the baccalaureate exams for the professional sections. Some did not show up because they had already found a job.

Who said you couldn’t find a job without a baccalaureate? However, it is becoming more and more widespread. Vocational high schools note that there is an increase in school dropouts after internships, as high school students are offered employment. In certain trades such as hotels and restaurants, a real lack of manpower is pushing some companies to recruit students.

High schools complain about this new method of companies, but for them, it is very advantageous, because the availability of students is immediate, so they can hire directly. The other existing advantage is to be able to benefit from a young person already trained and thus operational to be able to start in the active life. To avoid having less qualified staff in the future, the high school principals have reached an agreement with the branches concerned.

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