Other centrals have been on strike for several weeks to obtain wage increases and take inflation into account.
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Several nuclear power plants have been on strike for several weeks for a salary increase. The Gravelines power plant (North), the most powerful in Western Europe, should take part in it in turn from Thursday, October 13, at the call of Force Ouvrière and the CGT.
Employees are demanding a 5% increase in their gross salary, threatening to delay the connection to the grid of one of the six 900 MW reactors, which will be shut down this weekend for annual maintenance and must be restarted before the end of the year.
According to the Force Ouvrière secretary of the social and economic committee, Franck Redondo, such a delay would have no consequences for individuals, but would lead to “cuts” In the enterprises.
“Strikes may have an impact on some maintenance work”, EDF told AFP, without being able to immediately assess whether the schedule for returning these facilities to the network would be affected by these movements. If necessary, the company would be required to communicate it.