employed by La Poste, they claim their regularization



Article written by

S. Soubane, A. Husser, C. De Chassey – France 2

France Televisions

Since mid-November, 70 migrants have been on the picket line to obtain a residence permit. Employed thanks to false papers by La Poste to speed up deliveries for the end of the year celebrations, they demand proof of work from their company.

Whether they are Algerians, Senegalese or Guineans, they have been camping since November 15 in front of a DPD warehouse, a subsidiary of La Poste with the same objective: to express their dissatisfaction. Some worked there for several years without being able to obtain the proof of work required to obtain a residence permit. If the law prohibits companies from employing undocumented migrants, it also allows regularization through work. A rule that pushes some to bring false papers.

“They know very well that these papers are not ours. They take us for that: to use us as slaves“, reports a striker. But within La Poste, DPD and their subsidiaries, all deny being aware of the status of these employees. “These are people who are going to be paid at lower wages”, explains Me Lysa Halimi, lawyer specializing in labor law.

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