Coming Monday at noon to pick up the children from the school bus which stops in front of the town hall of Oiselay-et-Grachaux, the inhabitants discovered gendarmerie cars and the white van of the criminal identification of the Haute-Gendarmerie. Saone.
Very quickly the rumor circulated, a body would have been discovered.
– Jean-Francois Fernandez
Close to the main street
Not far from this school bus stop, an old pizzeria marks the corner of a dead end path with the main street. On the right of this cul-de-sac, a long building has rental apartments.
– Jean-Francois Fernandez
The open common entrance door gives a glimpse of a staircase. It is at the top of this staircase, upstairs on the right that the door of the apartment in question is located. No doubt, the seals of the national gendarmerie are placed on the door.
– Jean-Francois Fernandez
We didn’t hear anything
A neighbor who lives opposite, at the end of the dead end, feels guilty. She heard nothing, no screaming, no car door slamming, nothing to predict a drama. The 18-year-old girl, this neighbor, crossed her with her scooter.
When I think that we passed every day in front of “
This neighbor asks herself a lot of questions. During all this research time, every day she walked past the apartment. Was the body there all this time? This idea freezes the blood of this inhabitant. The young man who was wanted, whose wanted opinion was shared on social networks, was in fact there in the village, probably already dead.
18-year-old girl taken into custody
The inhabitants very quickly learned that the 18-year-old girl, tenant of the apartment had been arrested by the gendarmes. Nobody really knew her, she had recently been living in the town.
The apartment of this young girl was raided on Monday as part of a investigation for kidnapping and forcible confinement. In the apartment the gendarmes finally discovered the body of the young missing, a body that was concealed in the flat. The 18-year-old was then taken into police custody as part of theinvestigation that was reclassified for homicide.
– Jean-Francois Fernandez
Traces of strangulation
At first the young girl denies, she claims not to know what happened to Theo after his visit to her house during the evening spent in her apartment. His car however disappeared, purchases would have been paid with his credit card after his death. But with the discovery of the body in the apartment, the young girl is pointed. She does not give an explanation of what happened.
The autopsy carried out this Tuesday during the day reveals traces of strangulation on the body of the young man, strangulation that could cause death.
Prolonged custody
At this stage of the investigation, the day of death has not yet been communicated. It is not yet known whether Theo was killed on Tuesday, or later in the week. Was he kidnapped, did he die instantly, so many questions which the young girl’s questioning should provide answers.
This Wednesday at 1 p.m. the prolonged custody ends. The young girl should be presented on Wednesday to an investigating judge for her indictment for intentional homicide.