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The Ukrainian authorities ensure that nuclear safety is guaranteed, after the bombardment by the Russian army of the Zaporijia power plant, on the night of Thursday 3 to Friday 4 March. Emotion and concern are of course strong, as Maryse Burgot, special correspondent for France Télévisions, reports to us in 13 Heures.
It is to the south-west of this city of Zaporijia (Ukraine) that the nuclear power station was bombed by the Russians. Here you see hundreds and hundreds of people waiting on the platform of this station to try to get on this train and go to the city of Lviv, which is further west in the country. It’s impressive to see the number of people gathered here, who are trying to leave, says Maryse Burgot, special correspondent in Zaporijia for France Télévisions, in the 13 Hours of Friday March 4.
All these people tell us that until now they wanted to stay, but after what happened on the night of Thursday March 3 to Friday March 4 at the nuclear power plant, they now want to leave. Fighting was fierce overnight between Ukrainian forces and Russian soldiers around this nuclear power plant. This morning we were able to visit a hospital where some injured people are, and the director of this hospital explained to us that he was absolutely flabbergasted to see what had happened that night, in this nuclear power plant, reports the journalist.