Emmanuelle Béart: The death of her companion, a drama in the middle of the Cannes Film Festival

She is a happily married woman… but Emmanuelle Béart never forgets the difficulties of the past. The actress, who said “Yes” to Frédéric Chaudier in September 2018, lived ups and downs, in terms of sentimental life. Mother of three children, married three times, the actress thought, in the 2000s, to make a living with producer Vincent Meyer, that she had met on the set of the film Repetition by Catherine Corsini. Alas, it was an unbearable tragedy that separated them: the filmmaker committed suicide in Paris while his partner presented The Lost by André Téchiné at the Cannes Film Festival.

The story goes back to the year 2003. Vincent Meyer killed himself in his apartment, located in the 14th arrondissement of our capital, and Emmanuelle Béart learned about it just before climbing the steps of the Palais des Festivals, in evening dress. Eyes full of tears, having great difficulty realizing what was happening, the actress had walked the red carpet as best she could before joining Paris, to organize the funeral of her companion.

This tragedy, Emmanuelle Béart never really mentions it. Without giving up on the past, the 58-year-old actress focuses on the love she currently has so many people around her. Married to Frédéric Chaudier, the unforgettable interpreter of Manon of the sources watches her daughter and her grown-up sons grow day after day: Nelly, born in April 1992 from her love affair with Daniel Auteuil – the young woman also married the grandson of Simone Veil, and son of Agnès Buzyn -, Yohann , born in 1996 from her relationship with David Moreau and Surifel, born in 2009, whom she adopted with her former husband Michael Cohen. Almost twenty years have passed since the death of Vincent Meyer, but no doubt he continues to watch over the one he loved. Especially on this Valentine’s Day…

Find Emmanuelle Béart in the film J’embrasse pas, broadcast on arte on February 14, 2022.

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