Emmanuelle Béart forced to recover after a very equivocal gesture

Emmanuelle Béart returns to the big screen. The 58-year-old actress will star in the film Passengers of the night by Mikhaël Hers, which is expected to be released on May 4. To promote it, she was alongside Charlotte Gainsbourg, to whom she gives the reply, on the set of the show C to you. The one who works for a night program in a radio station was cooked on the France 5 talk set. Curious, Patrick Cohen wanted to know the secret of this particular grain of voice that she has in this drama.

Before responding with words, Emmanuelle Béart replied with a very equivocal gesture that made everyone laugh, the actress first. She who wanted to imitate the fact of smoking a cigarette had a doubt as to the interpretation of what she was doing. To make sure there were no misunderstandings – and that we didn’t understand that she was smoking a much less legal substance than tobacco – the mother of three pulled herself together to make sure that everyone understood what she meant.

What is certain is that Emmanuelle Béart did not follow any preparation to obtain the voice that she has in the film. For her, the secret remains this annoying habit which she finds it difficult to get rid of, the cigarette: “Clopper voice. I started fapping, you shouldn’t praise fags because it’s so hard to quit so don’t start, but I started at 14 behind the Suez de Cogolin prefab!“Far from being convinced, Patrick Cohen asserted that smoking was not enough to have such a sublime voice:”So maybe it’s Guy Béart’s voice, it’s the rest of Guy Béart’s voice, I don’t know, something, a mixture…” she replied. A beautiful legacy of this father figure that he misses so much.

In September 2015, Emmanuelle Béart said goodbye to her dad. A disappearance from which she suffered a lot: “We don’t recover, we live with it. He left. He was 84 years old. He left an absolutely magnificent artistic heritage. We are two girls [Emmanuelle et Eve, ndlr], are we going to be able to bring this to life? And if so, how?” she wondered on the airwaves of RTL in June 2016. Now she knows it: she only has to express herself to bring the memory of her father to life.

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