Emmanuel Philibert de Savoie and his daughter Luisa: Express trip to London for Vittoria, great discovery in the Eurostar!

Emmanuel Philibert de Savoie and Clotilde Courau are parents of two daughters, the eldest Vittoria, an 18-year-old fashion princess, and the youngest Luisa, who just turned 16 August 16. An anniversary celebrated with dignity and which allowed the couple, who lives in two different countries, to find themselves. But this time it’s back to school time. And already, Clotilde Courau must again separate from her eldest Vittoria, who is studying in London. “And the return and the departure“, shared the actress on Instagram with a photo that appears to be her eldest daughter, with a cap, packing her suitcase.

If Vittoria de Savoir now lives in the English capital, her little sister Luisa has obviously joined her for a few days. Indeed, it was Emmanuel Philibert de Savoie who accompanied his youngest to London, as revealed in a story on his Instagram account. We can see the Prince of Savoy posing with his daughter, a perfect mix of his two parents, in the Eurostar. “Arrived in London“, he wrote after having immortalized a traveler with a very London look, between kilt, cowboy boots and a sword in his bag. And the next day, the husband of Clotilde Courau and best friend of Laeticia Hallyday left the town, “Bye bye for now London“.

The reunion of Clotilde Courau and Emmanuel Philibert de Savoie for a beautiful event

While the couple had to face rumors of a breakup, Clotilde Courau and the prince twisted their necks. Indeed, the way of life of lovers questions, Emmanuel-Philibert de Savoie living most of the time between Monaco and Los Angeles, when Clotilde Courau is installed in Paris. But it seems to work for them wonderfully. And this summer they reappeared together for their little Luisa. The teenager was able to celebrate her 16th birthday surrounded by her two parents, in an idyllic setting whose geolocation was as always kept secret. About their couple, the actress and the one who hosted the Italian version of Beijing Express have already made it known that they are linked by “a strong friendship, complicity and a desire for truth“.”Love is thinking of each other when we are far away, and being happy when we are together“, thus declared the prince to Gala. A modern fairy tale.

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