Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Marseille: the head of state “came to see his own failure”, says Laure Lavalette (RN)



Video length: 11 mins.

France 2

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Laure Lavalette, MP and spokesperson for the National Rally (RN) group in the National Assembly, was the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Tuesday, June 27.

On the move in Marseilles (Bouches-du-Rhone)Monday, June 26, Emmanuel Macron said he wanted cannabis users to be able to pay their fines immediately. “It seems to me to be a small drop in the bucket compared to the enormous project that needs to be done in the fight against this trafficking”estimated the deputy and spokesperson for the National Rally group (RN) to the National Assembly, Laura Lavaletteguest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Tuesday. According to her, “Emmanuel Macron came to see his own failure”because “nothing has really progressed” in Marseille.

“See Marseille in order”

“When you take the indicators of what is happening in Marseille, everything is on the rise”argued the elected official, believing that public money has not “not always been well spent”. She noted in particular that “things have been renovated” And “ransacked in there stride”. For Laura Lavalette, “before seeing Marseille in big, […] you had to see Marseille in order”. “All the French have seen ‘tray North’we know how it goes”said the MP RN.

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