Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Marseille: announcements in terms of education



Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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Traveling to Marseille, in the Bouches-du-Rhône, Tuesday, June 27, Emmanuel Macron will discuss education. He has already announced measures to fight against educational inequalities, as reported by journalist Guillaume Daret, live from Marseille.

Tuesday June 27, Emmanuel Macron continues his visit to Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). The Head of State wants to make Marseille a laboratory against educational inequalities. “Emmanuel Macron announces that gradually, in priority education districts, colleges will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. in order to accommodate students longer”explains journalist Guillaume Daret, live from Marseille, Tuesday morning. Also, access to kindergarten will be open from the age of two in these neighborhoods.

“The School of the Future”

“The Head of State specified that he wanted to humanize the Parcoursup system so that families would have more feedback on their files”says the journalist. Emmanuel Macron will take stock of the ‘School of the future’ system, which aims in particular to give more autonomy. “He knows he is eagerly awaited and as on other subjects, he should face a message from the Marseillais: ‘It’s moving forward, but not fast enough.'”concludes Guillaume Daret.

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