Video length: 2 min.
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Emmanuel Macron went to the Salon de l’agriculture in Paris on Saturday February 25. The head of state was notably challenged by demonstrators about pension reform or even the climate.
Tastings of local treasures and meetings with producers are traditional scenes of a presidential visit to the Salon de l’agriculture. But Emmanuel Macron especially heard the concerns of the profession, Saturday, February 25. The Head of State tried to reassure the agricultural sectors about their income, but also consumers about prices in the face of inflation.
“Food must have a price”
“We settled into a general discourse which was that food should cost less and less. However, food must have a price because it has a value and there is work behind it. Those who have to make an effort on their margins are the distributors“, declared Emmanuel Macron. Some demonstrators also denounced the pension reform. On the subject of the climate, other opponents wrote on their t-shirts “What do you use?“targeting the president. The exchange was muscular. The presidential visit, between smiles and tensions, continued until the beginning of the evening.