Emmanuel Macron’s torso is talked about… even in America!

One thing is certain, Emmanuel Macron did not expect to be talked about so much about him in such a short time. Is it because of the presidential elections? Of his handling of the war in Ukraine? Not at all ! This Wednesday, April 20, Jimmy Fallon, the famous host of the “Tonight Show”in the United States, on the channel NBC, appeared open shirt and fairly hairy chest. The latter even unveiled a “song about his chest hair”, during its broadcast. An obvious reference to the recent photo unveiled by Soazig de la Moissonnière on the candidate president, behind the scenes of his meeting in Marseille. We see Emmanuel Macron, posed on a sofa, smiling and above all, the top of his shirt unbuttoned.

A cliché, which greatly inspired Jimmy Fallon for his last show. The presenter took up all the stereotypes associated with France to imagine Emmanuel Macron pushing the song. A “campaign song” that Jimmy Fallon interprets himself, as an Emmanuel Macron look-alike, with a baguette and a glass of red wine in his hand. “Hello, it’s me, with my chest hair, you see. Do you think I’m sexy? I really hope so”, before concluding :In 2022, if you all vote for me, I’ll be whispering to you… thank you.”

The French Touch

Across the Channel, several British media speculated that Emmanuel Macron had tried to use his body to grab a few votes before the second round of the presidential elections on April 24. Elsewhere, the Times also questioned the usefulness of this shot. “What do you look for in a politician? Honesty? Integrity? Or a thick carpet of chest hair worthy of a Pantene ad”wrote the newspaper.

For his part, Emmanuel Macron preferred to laugh at all this. Guest on the show “C to you”on France 5, Bertrand Chameroy had not hesitated to tease the husband of Brigitte Macron. “You are trying to seduce the fans of BHL and Demis Roussos. My question is simple: why?”, he joked. What the head of state had answered what he was doing “very, very hot in Marseille” and that he had “passed a bit quickly” the series of photos without really paying attention.

See also: Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron in swimsuits

Helene Bardeau

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