Emmanuel Macron’s second five-year term, abolition of the audiovisual license fee… Jean-Marc Dumontet’s “8h30 franceinfo”

Jean-Marc Dumontet, producer and owner of theaters, close to Emmanuel Macron, was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Saturday May 7, 2022. Second five-year term of Emmanuel Macron, abolition of the audiovisual royalty … He responds to the questions from Ersin Leibowitch and Myriam Encaoua.

“Everyone is waiting for a woman at Matignon”

“I think everyone is waiting for a woman at Matignon”believes Jean-Marc Dumontet. “There are a lot of men in the political class today”he admits, and it is for this reason that he “really encourages Emmanuel Macron to appoint a woman, because it would be a strong symbol, and it is necessary”.

Jean-Marc Dumontet warns of a political climate “who is not appeased” and “unhealthy” currently in France. “No [des] opponents [d’Emmanuel Macron] did not have the republican greatness of soul to say ‘we wish you for the country, for France, for the French, good luck’he says, “It’s still pretty crazy”adds the producer. “It translates that your political opponent systematically becomes an enemy. And if we go into this logic, one day it ends up on January 6, one day it ends up at the Capitol”referring to January 6, 2021 in the United States, the day that supporters of Donald Trump invaded the Capitol in Washington, after the defeat of the candidate for the American presidential election.

The audiovisual license fee is a “Maginot line”

“I consider that the royalty [audiovisuelle]it’s a Maginot line”, says Jean-Marc Dumontet. He specifies that, according to him, the fee of 138 euros per year “does not constitute all revenue” public broadcasting. Emmanuel Macron, who wants to abolish the license fee, has proposed setting up a multi-annual budget to finance public broadcasting, in order to guarantee its independence. According to Jean-Marc Dumontet on “3.8 billion” euros in revenue, “there are 3.2 billion which come from the royalty, and 600 million under the compensation” voted by Parliament.

“If Marine Le Pen had come to power, there would be no more public broadcasting, royalty or no royalty”he says, adding that what matters today is “the political will to have a strong public audiovisual sector”.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Saturday May 7, 2022:

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