During his visit to the Agricultural Show on Saturday, the President of the Republic formulated the objective “that we can achieve” “floor prices which will make it possible to protect agricultural income”.
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“The words” of the head of state “seem clear, but there can be several interpretations”, underlines former European deputy José Bové, guest on 6:20 p.m. franceinfo Monday February 26, on the subject of Emmanuel Macron’s statements on Saturday. The President of the Republic proposed, since the Agricultural Show, “that we can achieve floor prices to protect agricultural income“, as part of the preparation of a new law governing relations between agri-food players, like the Egalim laws.
“What do we mean by this term of floor prices? asks José Bové,Is it just production costs? Or the income of farmers? The president of the Republic “understood that the basis of the farmers’ revolt” comes from “this desire for dignity of the peasants, that they can live from their work, and not from aid”believes José Bové.
The federation of dairy cooperatives points out that the principle of a minimum floor price could contravene competition rules. It could also reduce the export competitiveness of French products, due to the increase in their sales price induced by the introduction of this floor price.