Daniel Cohn-Bendit also invites the left on France Inter to “emancipate itself from La France insoumise, especially from Jean-Luc Mélenchon”.
Reading time: 2 min

“Emmanuel Macron’s project no longer holds water, it doesn’t work”, castigates former MEP Daniel Cohn-Bendit on Sunday December 17 on France Inter. An early supporter of Emmanuel Macron, the ecologist distances himself from the head of state who, according to him, has not succeeded in “exceed” the left-right divide. “It’s time to find another political perspective, because for the moment politics in France and the President’s policies are sinking and we don’t really see where all this can lead”says Daniel Cohn-Bendit.
The former MEP considers that he is “too simple to say that [le parti d’Emmanuel Macron] swing to the right”. He recalls that in 2017, Emmanuel Macron praised the policy of “at the same time, that is to say, to overcome a deleterious and terrible French political culture (…) which does not allow, in the end, to find compromises politically”. “He wanted to overtake her, and obviously he can’t do it”regrets Daniel Cohn-Bendit.
LFI “is the incarnation of the refusal to play politics
While the European elections are due to be held in June 2024, Daniel Cohn-Bendit is now supporting Place Publique MEP Raphaël Glucksmann.
“Raphaël Glucksmann embodies something that is missing in French politics, that is to say a reformist left culture which is an ecological-social-humanist synthesis.”
Daniel Cohn-Benditat France Inter
For the former leader of May-68, France has “need today” of a “reformist left which will be capable, by proposing an innovative program, of forming coalitions and organizing a new majority”. For Europeans, Daniel Cohn-Bendit therefore raises the idea of a common list “led by Raphaël Glucksmann” in order to “give hope to a left-wing reformist electorate”. He believes that if this “new union on the left” succeeds in the European elections, then we will have to learn lessons in order to “relaunch a new cycle for the left in France”.
For this, Daniel Cohn-Bendit invites the left to “emancipate yourself from La France insoumise, especially from Jean-Luc Mélenchon”. The ecologist accuses “the politics of Jean-Luc Mélenchon” to be “dangerous”. “It’s a mixture of radicalism, Islamo-madness and anti-Semitism”, he protests. For Daniel Cohn-Bendit, the LFI party “is the incarnation of the refusal to play politics, it is a radicalism that leads into the wall”.