Emmanuel Macron’s program, end of life, relationship with the rebellious … Fabien Roussel’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Fabien Roussel, deputy for the North, national secretary of the French Communist Party and candidate for the presidential election, was the guest of the “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Friday March 18, 2022. Emmanuel Macron’s program, end of life, relationship with the rebellious … He answers questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Salhia Brakhlia.

Macron’s France “pulls us from the bottom”

Fabien Roussel believes that the France of Emmanuel Macron “is a France that impoverishes us, that drags us down”. He denounces the reform of the RSA wanted by Emmanuel Macron, to condition his payment on the realization of an activity of 15 to 20 hours per week, “real scam borrowed from the Medef program”to his eyes.

Fabien Roussel also opposes the “transfer window in the public school” what, in his view, would result from the greater freedom granted to schools, provided for in Emmanuel Macron’s program, which he considers “inadmissible”. “It’s the privatization of our primary schools, tackles the communist candidate. In the rich cities, the mayors will have a lot of taxes, and will be able to give a little more money to their schools to buy the best teachers”.

Roussel “favorable” to euthanasia, but wants to “work for the broadest consensus”

Fabien Roussel says to himself “sensitive and rather favorable” to euthanasia. He recalls the existence of the Claeys-Leonetti law, “which provides for the advance directive, support for people, deep sedation”.

“Me president, I would continue this debate to put on the agenda a text of law which could legalize it”, says Fabien Roussel. The communist candidate “wishes to have this debate until the end on the occasion of the presentation of a text of law dispassionate as much as possible so that we can have the broadest consensus”.

Presidential: “I have no opponents on the left”

Fabien Roussel assures that he has no “no opponent on the left”, despite his sharp criticism lately against Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Anne Hidalgo. Credited with 3.5% of the votes in the first round, according to our latest Ipsos Sopra Steria poll for franceinfo and Le Parisien/Today in France this Thursday, March 18, the communist is far behind the rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon, credited with 12% of the vote, in third place behind Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen.

If he confirms that, “Yes”he will support Jean-Luc Mélenchon if he is in the second round against Emmanuel Macron, Fabien Roussel, on the other hand, rejects the idea of ​​rallying to the best placed before that: “there is no useful vote when you vote in the first round of a presidential election”he says. “The left is flush with the daisies, it weighs 25%, we all have a share of responsibility, recognizes Fabien Roussel. We did not submit an application in 2012, in 2017. Should we step aside in 2022, and soon in 2027?

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Friday March 18, 2022:

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