The leaders of the opposition parties have still not responded to Emmanuel Macron’s letter after the meetings in Saint-Denis ten days ago. A way of showing the president that he is not the one who will dictate the timetable.
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Emmanuel Macron gave them until Sunday September 10 in the evening to respond, but the opposition parties are for the most part determined to take their time. In a letter sent last Wednesday, the president summarized the discussions at the Saint-Denis meeting ten days ago, and proposed to the opposition leaders a new meeting in the fall, but some remain silent.
>> FRANCEINFO DOCUMENT. Meetings in Saint-Denis: in a letter addressed to party leaders Emmanuel Macron indicates that he wants to meet them in the fall
For the opposition leaders, there is no question of letting the head of state lead the game alone. RN Jordan Bardella has already clearly announced that he will not respond: “He is waiting for concrete proposals”, justifies those around him. On the left, the PS takes its time: “The president does not have to set a deadline. We consult our authorities and we will respond afterwards,” PS first secretary Olivier Faure tells franceinfo.
The leader of the Insoumis Manuel Bompard chose to respond on “deplorable communication operation without effect” and of “circumvention of the democratic debate”. “We are totally hostile to the multiplication of these operations to circumvent democratic debate in its institutional forms”, regrets Manuel Bompard. Insubordinate France also deplores “that the social emergency affecting the country, like the climate emergency which threatens the survival of humanity, could only be tackled by breaking and entering after nearly 10 hours of discussion”.
Éric Ciotti, Marine Tondelier and Fabien Roussel responded to Emmanuel Macron’s letter, each pointing out their disagreements: “the tiny place given to ecology” for the national secretary of EELV, Marine Tondelier, the power purchasing and the question of salaries for the communist Fabien Roussel, immigration and insecurity for LR Éric Ciotti.
Even if the Élysée is limited to recalling that the methodology has been accepted by all, the party leaders reply that the president’s response is more political program than report. Nothing new, they point out, in a less conciliatory tone than ten days ago in Saint-Denis. Especially since Emmanuel Macron has no guarantee that the oppositions will continue to play the game and will agree to see him again, as planned, in the fall.