Emmanuel Macron’s investiture ceremony will take place on Saturday

The date is finally set. The investiture ceremony of the President of the Republic re-elected for a second term will be held on Saturday May 7 at 11 a.m.

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While Emmanuel Macron’s current mandate ends on May 13, the re-elected president has chosen to set his inauguration ceremony for his second term for this Saturday, May 7 at 11 a.m., franceinfo learned on Tuesday May 3 from a government source. , confirming information from RTL.

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The President of the Constitutional Council will announce the official results of the second round of the presidential election on 24th April last. After which Emmanuel Macron will deliver a speech and, following tradition, pay homage to the national flag and the Republican Guard.

This ceremony will be the prelude to the appointment of a new Prime Minister and a government responsible, among other things, for leading the battle in the legislative elections on 12th and 19th June next.

It will also precede an important media sequence for Emmanuel Macron with the victory ceremonies of May 8, 1945, a European sequence with a speech planned in Strasbourg on May 9 and probably a trip to Berlin, his first abroad. as re-elected president.

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