Emmanuel Macron’s highly anticipated speech




Article written by

J. Nény, J.-B. Marteau, G. Jongis – France 2

France Televisions

Emmanuel Macron will address the French on Tuesday, November 9. His speech is highly anticipated, especially on the issue of Covid-19 and a potential third dose of mandatory vaccine.

Tuesday, November 9 and for the ninth time since the arrival of the Covid-19 in France, President Emmanuel Macron will address the French about the virus, during a televised address. A speech which is eagerly awaited, a few months before the presidential election. Warnings from the World Health Organization warn that the situation in Europe will become alarming in February. Many executives of the La République en Marche party are following Emmanuel Macron’s directives concerning the upcoming situation.

Emmanuel Macron has several options for his speech on Tuesday, November 9, which will be broadcast at 8 p.m. Among them, the obligation of a third dose of vaccine against the coronavirus. In his entourage, a minister declares that “the question arises seriously”. Other members of the majority believe that the booster dose would be a way to allow the French to continue with their lives properly. But some also feel that it is a sensitive subject. A very complex situation for Emmanuel Macron, who will have to decide.

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