The government spokesperson announced that the presentation of the law on the end of life would ultimately be postponed until “early 2024”.
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The presentation of the law on the end of life, promised by Emmanuel Macron, is once again postponed. The Head of State will present his decision “early 2024”, announced the government spokesperson on Wednesday December 6. Palliative care will first be discussed the week of December 11, with the presentation of a report to the ministers concerned. A way, once again, to gain time in the face of a president whom his loved ones and supporters still consider to be in doubt.
End of summer, December and finally the beginning of 2024: Emmanuel Macron has continued to postpone his decisions on the end of life, the time to consult. A citizens’ convention was created almost a year ago to the day, discussions with specialists and even a discussion with the Pope during a meeting at the Vatican. “We still don’t know what he’s thinking.”recently confided a leading Macronist.
“Intimidating” questions for the head of state
Three weeks ago, the ministers concerned tried to have a meeting with the president to see things more clearly. But the meeting was postponed for scheduling reasons. “The subject does not fit into his reading grid”, confides a minister. Especially since the usual divisions are blurring and questions are jostling. Who can access assisted suicide? What can we offer to patients who cannot kill themselves? So many dizzying questions, even “intimidating”, as Emmanuel Macron recognized. Questions to which he assumes he is not in a hurry to answer.