Emmanuel Macron’s gestures to seduce left-wing voters


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What strategy does Emmanuel Macron wish to apply in view of the second round of the presidential election? The president-candidate promised to be more attentive, and to smooth the angles on the reforms which could offend the French.

Emmanuel Macron is in the middle of the campaign between the two towers, Tuesday April 12. “As he had done [lundi 11 avril] in Hauts-de-France, here in Alsace today, Emmanuel Macron continues to try to appease the sensitive points (…) of his program for the next five-year term”explains journalist Jeff Wittenberg, live from Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), citing in particular the example of retirement at 65.

Emmanuel Macron will discuss the subject of pensions with union officials. On the RSA, “the presidential project planned to force the beneficiaries to find a job, now it talks about support [au] back to work”, continues the journalist. Emmanuel Macron thus seems to want “tint its program with a social coloring”in order to address “to the voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon”concludes Jeff Wittenberg.

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