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After his letter to the French published in the regional daily press on Friday March 4, the president-candidate Emmanuel Macron has just sent them a video message. The 20 Hours looks at the campaign of the outgoing president, in the section “In the line of sight”.
A candidate in his office as president. In a video released in the evening from Friday March 4 on social networks, Emmanuel Macron gives the start of his campaign. With the war in Ukraine, President wants weigh in international negotiations, while being a presidential candidate. Rare meetings, a few interventions, and above all activists on the ground: the outgoing president’s flash campaign should be marked by its solemnity.
“IHe can’t argue with Putin in the morning, and debate with Poutou in the evening!“, ironically close to the president. This is enough to annoy some of its competitors, for whom the war in Ukraine should not overshadow the electoral campaign. In the current context, according to those close to him, the presidential costume could greatly benefit him. But it could also give the impression of stepping over the presidential election.