Emmanuel Macron’s desire to accelerate is already electrifying the deputies before their return to school

The National Assembly begins its pre-return, but at the Palais-Bourbon, the corridors are still very empty. Passes d’armes have not yet made their return to the Hemicycle, but Emmanuel Macron has already set the tone for the return to parliament by not excluding in front of journalists on Monday September 12 the introduction of a measure to extend the retirement age or the contribution period in the social security financing bill (PLFSS) which must be debated this fall.

>> Pensions: Emmanuel Macron wants to relaunch his reform, even if it means going through Parliament in force

“This is unacceptable, deeply unacceptable!”, denounces the communist Pierre Dharréville, that an age measure introduced from the text on the social security budget makes jump. “We can’t pass that on the occasion of a small article in a social security financing bill. There is a great societal debate behind it.” Especially since the head of state does not rule out the adoption of this budget either via article 49.3 of the Constitution, which allows the automatic adoption of a text, except to overthrow the government. “Scandal !“, already plagues the rebellious Danielle Simonnet.

“This shows all the undemocratic drift of which this president is capable, who uses and abuses the cogs of the Fifth Republic: it is really monarchical abuse, it is totally unacceptable.”

Danielle Simonnet, MP LFI

at franceinfo

On the right, we want to see in this hypothesis a trial balloon. “He says something huge to hysterize everyone, and then in the end, he will come up with a project that is totally degraded compared to what he had announced”denounces the deputy LR Pierre-Henri Dumont.

Pierre-Henri Dumont already warns that the right may defend a pension reform, but that will not change its vote on the budget: “We are in opposition, we are not going to vote in favor of a text when we are fundamentally in opposition, it is basic politics.”

The National Rally, for its part, does not rule out filing a motion of censure if the social security budget contains a measure on pensions. The opposition, barely returned to the Palais-Bourbon, is already inflamed. Note this concerned comment from this majority leader: “There really is the risk of striking a match around a powder keg.”

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