Video length: 1 min
Status of women: Emmanuel Macron’s ads for “Elle”
Absent fathers, parental leave, infertility… In an interview for “Elle”, Emmanuel Macron reveals several measures to improve the condition of women.
Absent fathers, parental leave, infertility… In an interview for “Elle”, Emmanuel Macron reveals several measures to improve the condition of women.
In a magazine interview She, Emmanuel Macron says he wants to open the debate on the duties of a father in a single-parent family, up to the possibility of creating a visiting duty for absent fathers. France has 1.9 million single-parent families and among them, 8 out of 10 are headed by a woman. For the president, a father should not just pay child support.
Measures against infertility
To fight against inequalities between men and women, Emmanuel Macron also announces replacing parental leave with birth leave. It will be three months for each parent, but better paid, up to 50% of the salary. First measures have been revealed concerning the major plan on infertility. A health check-up reimbursed by Health Insurance will be offered to everyone. Research will be strengthened and the self-preservation of oocytes, until now reserved for hospitals, will be opened to private centers.