Emmanuel Macron will bring together the actors concerned on October 14 at the Elysée

The Ministry of the Interior specified that the government was preparing, in view of this meeting, a plan for the modernization of civil security.

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The objective is to reflect on a new model of firefighting prevention. President Emmanuel Macron will bring together all the actors of civil security on October 14 at the Elysée, announced the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, on Saturday September 24.

Coming to close the 128th national congress of firefighters in Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), the tenant of Place Beauvau specified that the government was preparing, in view of this meeting, a plan for the modernization of civil security.

The Head of State had already expressed this wish to bring together the actors concerned in August, when the country experienced fires which ravaged nearly 63,000 hectares of forest.

The president of the Republic “will have the opportunity to come back to the subject of global warming and the means we give to put out the fires”, said Gérald Darmanin during a micro-tense at the end of his speech. He once again mentioned his desire to ensure that volunteer firefighters can be mobilized more easily on interventions.

The Minister of the Interior repeated thinking about ways to force employers of volunteer firefighters to let them go to fight major fires. “We must encourage companies to release volunteer firefighters. There is a status for elected officials. There must be a status for volunteer firefighters”he said.

The tenant of Place Beauvau also proposed to submit to Parliament, on November 1, the report on the financing of fire and rescue services. “We are going to increase the air fleet very significantly”he assured, while firefighters and departmental elected officials are demanding more air resources.

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