Emmanuel Macron will announce the reopening of six sub-prefectures

Emmanuel Macron will announce this Monday, October 10 the reopening of six sub-prefectures, five in mainland France and one in Guyana.

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Six sub-prefectures will reopen before the end of 2022. Emmanuel Macron will confirm this Monday, October 10, during a trip to Mayenne. It is Nantua in Ain, Rochechouart in Haute-Vienne, Château-Gontier in Mayenne, Clamecy in Nièvre, Montdidier in Somme and Saint-Georges de l’Oyapock in Guyana.

The first to reopen will be that of Château-Gonthier, inaugurated this Monday by Emmanuel Macron. The President of the Republic will be visiting there for a dedicated trip “the return of public services to rural areas“, specifies a press release from the Elysée.

This visit is part of the government’s desire to “restore public services in the territories“, specifies the Elysée, which recalls that this “concretely resulted in the establishment of 2,400 France services houses and their 4,000 digital advisers.“Structures that bring together several services, including digital support.

Emmanuel Macron will also visit the town of Craon and participate in a National Council for Territorial Refoundation, then in Laval for the inauguration of a new cultural center. The Head of State will be accompanied by the Minister of Health and Prevention, François Braun. They will trade withthem health professionals, residents and elected officials” on “four major concerns: continuity of care, access to care, attractiveness of professions and prevention.

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