Emmanuel Macron: Why Brigitte was against her giant meeting before the presidential election

In the circle of Emmanuel Macron, described as very masculine, there is still a woman, his own: Brigitte Macron, begins by saying the journalist Emilie Tran Nguyen in It’s up to you this May 10, 2022. The first lady, a close ally of her husband, was not in favor of her big meeting on April 2 at La Défense Arena in Nanterre, a week before the first round of the presidential elections. The author of the book Resurrection (Stock editions) and guest of the show, Saveria Rojek, explains the fears of the president’s wife, at the time in the middle of the campaign, on this great impressive political show.

She is against, in any case, it is her first reaction when she arrives in this room which is for once, gigantic. No politician had held a meeting of such size before in a closed room“, explains the editorialist who continues: “It’s very impressive to have a room with thirty-five, forty thousand seats which is empty, dark. She says to herself, so it’s something impulsive, ‘if you put him in the middle of all this, he could be the target of a madman, of an attack. It’s kind of his first reaction.” Fears that she will then put aside to respect the choice of Emmanuel Macron, the one “to do something that no one had ever done before, he loves it“. She encourages him and accompanies him, then adds Saveria Rojek.

Moreover, she was by his side in the locker room behind the scenes of this great political show, and for his part, the President of the Republic made him, in front of this large audience, a powerful declaration of love. It must be said that this campaign, jostled by the entry into the war of Russia against Ukraine, completely monopolized the head of state who received calls from international leaders in the middle of the night, reports the political writer.

Married since 2007, Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron form a more than solid couple who shone this Saturday, May 7, during the presidential investiture ceremony. Faced with the pangs of politics, they are always united, especially in the face of moments of tension such as election day in the second round and the first lady always gives her opinion with the greatest frankness. If she accompanies him in his decisions, he sometimes sets limits: like the fact of resting after his second electoral victory on April 24th.

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