Emmanuel Macron wants to warn about anti-Semitism in France



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Emmanuel Macron will deliver a speech in the afternoon of Sunday July 17, at Pithiviers station, in Loiret. He should recall that France is not done with anti-Semitism.

Emmanuel Macron will inaugurate, Sunday July 17, a new place of memory, in the old station of Pithiviers (Loiret), from where several convoys left for Auschwitz-Birkenau (Poland) during the Second World War. “Emmanuel Macron will recall that the context is very different from that of 1995, the first time when a French president, Jacques Chirac in this case, recognized France’s role in the Vel d’Hiv roundup, the role of the authorities french“, says journalist Jeff Wittenberg, live from Pithiviers.

The president will speak out on the rise of anti-Semitism in French society. “There are anti-Semitic acts, numerous each year, but there is also, he will say, an insidious, worrying anti-Semitism which takes hold of certain debates, particularly last year, when at the initiative of a presidential candidate, Éric Zemmour, some have wondered about the role that Marshal Pétain would have had during the war, going so far as to say (…) that he could have saved French Jews“, reports the journalist. Emmanuel Macron should therefore double his “historical review“of one”warning against revisionism“.

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