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It is from Belfort (Territoire-de-Belfort) that President Emmanuel Macron unveiled his strategy to relaunch nuclear power in France, Thursday, February 10. The Head of State wants the massive development of renewable energies.
It is a speech that looks like a program that could span thirty years that Emmanuel Macron unveiled on Thursday February 10. Traveling to Belfort (Territoire-de-Belfort), the president affirmed his determination to invest in renewables and above all to revive the nuclear sector. He wants six new generation EPR nuclear reactors to be built by 2035. He has also launched a study on eight additional reactors.
While he is not yet a presidential candidate, the head of state does not hesitate to tackle his environmental opponents opposed to nuclear power. “Can we imagine a France totally dependent in terms of non-intermittent energy and having to re-import, at prohibitive costs, carbon energy? who is not serious”, said Emmanuel Macron. His adversaries were quick to react, arguing that President “condemns France to another century of nuclear power”.