Emmanuel Macron wants to replace Pôle emploi with “France Travail”: but why?

The President of the Republic and candidate for the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron, presented one of his proposals for employment, and indicated that he wanted to create a one-stop shop for employment, “France Travail”, instead of Pôle emploi. This is what Nicolas Sarkozy wanted to do 15 years ago, by creating Pôle emploi and merging ANPE and Assedic.

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The idea was also to create a one-stop shop for more efficiency, except that in fact, the duplicates persisted. Many actors and organizations take care of job seekers: Pôle emploi, but also local missions for young people, departmental councils for RSA beneficiaries. However, all these organizations do not always work together. Thus, for example, the same training courses are sometimes ordered by Pôle emploi, but also by the regional councils. On paper, Emmanuel Macron therefore wants to centralize services and offers to have a single operator, France Travail. And on paper, put an end to this mille-feuille.

He believes that the reform he has made during this five-year term does not go far enough. The idea of ​​the President of the Republic is to modulate the rights of the unemployed according to the situation. In other words, the better the labor market, the less generous unemployment insurance. The higher the unemployment rate, the longer the duration of the compensation, for example. This modulation already exists in the United States. Emmanuel Macron wants to be inspired by it.

Emmanuel Macron aims for full employment: to reach an unemployment rate of 5% within five years. Currently, the rate is 7.4%. It was 9.5% at the start of his five-year term. Emmanuel Macron’s ambition is therefore to continue his momentum. By reaching full employment, Emmanuel Macron sees it as the best way to offer purchasing power to the French people but also to save money and reduce public spending.

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