Emmanuel Macron wants to relaunch his reform, even if it means pushing through Parliament

During a closed-door meeting attended by franceinfo on Monday, the Head of State reiterated his wish to see the reform come into force in the summer of 2023. He wants to move quickly, if possible thanks to the compromise, but the 49.3 is not a taboo.

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Even Laurent Berger, the very reformist boss of the CFDT, warns him of the risk of adding fuel to the fire in an already tense climate. But Emmanuel Macron has no doubt, neither about the need for pension reform, nor about the need to do it now. The Head of State wants proof of this in the annual report of the Pensions Orientation Council. According to the COR, the surplus balance from which our system has benefited so far will not last and will even be in deficit over the next 25 years.

As he explained on Monday September 12 during a closed meeting with the press in which franceinfo participated, Emmanuel Macron wants his reform to come into force in the summer of 2023, as planned. Essential according to him, to start repaying the debt of the pension system from 2026 and to gain financial leeway.

His reasoning: given the level of public deficit, if we do not solve the problem of pensions, we cannot invest in the rest: ecological transition, school and health. Faced with the principle of reality, it calls on the social partners to take responsibility.

The president wants to succeed at all costs. However, he risks antagonizing the social partners, all the more so since before a limited audience, Emmanuel Macron does not formally rule out the hypothesis of an age measurement in the social security financing bill (PLFSS ) which is to be debated this fall. Yet this is the red line for the unions.

Postponement of the legal age, extension of the contribution period, the president leaves it to the government to find the way. He doesn’t seem to have any religion other than his desire to succeed. Stop pushing through. If we think that we need unanimity to move on something, we never do anything: this is in summary the state of mind of the president. He reprimands in advance those who will get in his way, in the street or in Parliament. Calling for more public spending while preventing it from creating more wealth, a dishonest process according to Emmanuel Macron. And while continuing to plead the search for compromise, he recalls that in a context of relative majority, 49.3, which allows a text to be adopted without a vote, at the risk of being censored, is an instrument, not a taboo.

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