Emmanuel Macron wants to push back the retirement age to 65, confirms Gabriel Attal

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Guest of the RTL morning show, government spokesman Gabriel Attal confirmed that an extension gradual retirement age to 65 will be included in the program of candidate Emmanuel Macron. The information was revealed on Wednesday by The echoes and franceinfo had obtained confirmation. With the addition of a minimum pension of 1,100 euros and the abolition of special schemes, “for example from RATP or EDF”this reform will be a reform “of justice”, he defended. Follow our live.

Rallying behind Fabien Roussel. The Republican and Socialist Left (GRS), the Left Radicals (not to be confused with the Radical Left Party), the Republican and Citizen Movement and the New Socialist Left will support the Communist candidate Fabien Roussel in the presidential election, have announced these small parties on Wednesday.

A former minister supports Emmanuel Macron. Socialist Juliette Méadel, former Secretary of State for Victim Assistance, will vote for Emmanuel Macron, as in 2017. “Five years later, I note with sadness that the left has failed to unite, rebuild, or propose a social project that meets the expectations of our fellow citizens”she justified.

Anne Hidalgo tries to collect. “I say to the people on the left, I am this republican, European left, this left of responsibility”said Anne Hidalgo, PS presidential candidate, on France Inter. “If you want to help rebuild the left, do yourself a favor and vote for a woman on the left”she added, despite low voting intentions.

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