Emmanuel Macron wants to integrate “the protection of the environment” and “the right to abortion” in the Charter of Fundamental Rights

The president announced this in a speech to MEPs on the objectives of the French EU presidency.

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While MEPs have just elected a president opposed to abortion, Emmanuel Macron stood out. On Wednesday 19 January, he expressed the wish that the right to abortion and the protection of the environment be integrated into the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, in a speech before MEPs on the objectives of the French presidency of the EU.

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It is necessary “update this charter to be more explicit on the recognition of the right to abortion or on the protection of the environment”, launched the French president in Strasbourg.

MEP since 2013 and vice-president of Parliament since 2020, Roberta Metsola was elected Tuesday at the head of the institution, despite her opposition to abortion which goes badly with many MEPs. Malta is the last country in the EU where abortion remains completely illegal.

Aware of the reservations it has aroused on this matter, Roberta Metsola assured that in the event of an election, his “duty will be to represent the position of Parliament”, including sexual and reproductive rights.

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