Emmanuel Macron wants to help Ukrainians “to resist during this winter”

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10:16 a.m. : “We will do everything to counter the blackout and the energy terror” “Most of our power stations are damaged by the bombardments”, “Every day, our engineers have to disconnect millions of Ukrainians from the electricity network”, declares Volodymyr Zelensky https://t.co/GyNehGhpxr

10:15 a.m. : “Most of our power plants are damaged by the bombings.”

President Volodymyr Zelensky also spoke via videoconference. “Every day our engineers have to disconnect millions of Ukrainians from the electricity grid”he also said.

09:53 : Shortly before the President’s address, French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said that 70 States and international organizations [étaient] gathered to provide concrete answers, generators, reconstruction”.

09:44 : President Emmanuel Macron inaugurates the conference for aid and reconstruction organized in Paris. Follow his speech in our live.

09:37 : Vladimir Putin will not hold his traditional big end-of-year press conference, the Kremlin has announced. This is a first in ten years, according to the BBC (in English). “We hope that the president will finally find the opportunity to address the media”, however, said his spokesman, Dmitry Peskov. No reason was given for this cancellation.

09:07 : It is 9 a.m., here is the point on the news:

• The international community meets in Paris for the resilience and reconstruction of the country. Follow our live.

The EU adopts the “carbon border tax”, an unprecedented mechanism that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030.

• The government announces aid of 100 euros for drivers who will register on a carpooling platform in 2023.

• The LFI deputy from the North, Adrien Quatennens, will know his fate this morning. He arrived at the Lille court to appear in a “guilty plea” procedure.

• Twelve departments are placed on orange alert due to the risk of snow and ice.

07:55 : She was his friend, his screenwriter, then his wife. She is now his shock diplomat. Faced with the invasion of her country by Russia, Olena Zelenska has carved out a tailor-made role to support her husband, the pUkrainian resident Volodymyr Zelensky. She will be present today in Paris, where the conferences are organized for the reconstruction of Ukraine on the initiative of Emmanuel Macron. (AFP / ASTRID AMADIEU / FRANCEINFO)

07:49 : Two conferences devoted to aid and reconstruction of Ukraine are organized today in Paris. Our journalist Pierre-Louis Caron explains what to expect from this day. French President Emmanuel Macron with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky in kyiv on June 16, 2022. (SERGEI SUPINSKY / AFP)(SERGEI SUPINSKY / AFP)

07:29 : The world must “rethinking nuclear safety”, enjoins the Ukrainian Minister of Energy German Halouchtchenko. He describes the risks incurred in Zaporijjia, where the plant came close to an accident five times. “This is a question posed to all the countries of the world”he said last night in an interview with AFP.

07:35 : It is 6 o’clock, here is the first point on the news:

• France today welcomes “two lectures” dedicated to Ukraine. A “international, to meet the needs of Ukraine to spend the winter”and “a second with the French companies which engage in the reconstruction of the country”said the French President on Twitter.

• After more than three months of hearings, the verdict of the Nice attacks is expected this afternoon. The National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office has requested fifteen years’ imprisonment against the three main defendants.

• The LFI deputy from the North, Adrien Quatennens, will know his fate this morning. He is expected at the Lille court at 8:30 a.m. to appear in a “guilty plea” procedure.

• Twelve departments are placed on orange alert for risks of snow and ice.

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