Emmanuel Macron wants to “go as far as possible, and as quickly as possible”, according to a minister

The government must in particular arbitrate on the criteria set for the use of assisted suicide, euthanasia having already been excluded from the discussions.



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The citizens' convention on the end of life must deliver its conclusions on April 2, 2023 (illustrative photo).  (ALINE MORCILLO / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

When will the law on the end of life see the light of day? The Head of State was to bring together on Tuesday, November 14 at the Elysée the ministers concerned by the future bill on the end of life, including that of Health Aurélien Rousseau, that of Solidarités Aurore Bergé. This “scoping meeting was postponed because the President of the Republic travels to where he is needed, where he is urgently expected, that is to say in Pas-de-Calais because there are thousands of fellow citizens who await his presence to make important announcements for citizens and farmers“, explained Olivier Véran before reaffirming: “But that does not call into question the bill at all.

The Head of State had in fact promised, Wednesday November 8, that the “right to die with dignity” would be subject to a “law of freedom and respect” before the Grand Orient of France, but the text, promised before the end of the summer, is still awaited.

Emmanuel Macron wants “to go as short as possible, and as slowly as possible”, slips a minister to franceinfo. Because on the subject of the end of life, the Head of State has consulted extensively, he even called a citizens’ convention on the subject, but it remains unfathomable. “This kind of subject does not fit into his reading grid”declares a faithful.

The ministers concerned were awaiting the meeting on November 14:“We need to know concretely where he wants to go”, declares one of them. Among the questions, that of patients who want to kill themselves, but cannot do so because of their condition, there is also the question of palliative care.

Still, the deadline for a text before the end of the year seems to be moving away. “I don’t see how we have time to present it before Christmas”, blurted out a minister. A close friend of the head of state sees even further: “I have the feeling that the text will be postponed until the fall… 2024.”

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