“If we want to continue to take the country on board, we still need to restore credibility to the work,” said the President of the Republic in an interview with “L’Opinion” on Sunday.
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In an interview at OpinionSunday, May 14, EmManuel Macron claims to want to continue a policy of lowering taxation which weighs on the middle classes, in order to better remunerate work. “We must pursue a trajectory of lower taxes on our middle classes. Why? Because if we want to continue to take the country on board, we still need to restore credibility to work”he says.
“However, today, we help a lot of people who are in disarray, who have dropped out. We help low salaries a lot, and we have done more with the activity bonus”continues the Head of State, who is seeking to regain control after the painful pension crisis.
“The taxation of middle class income is too high and accelerating too quickly. It crushes purchasing power gains between 1,500 and 2,500 euros. I am talking about those who are too rich to be helped and not rich enough to live well.”
Emmanuel Macronto “L’Opinion”
He added that during his first five-year term, taxes had been reduced by 52 billion euros, in equal shares for households and businesses. “When you look at the period 2010-2014, the tax increases have almost all been made on the middle classes and small traders”, he said again. On the business side, he believes that France should equip itself with“a mechanism which makes it possible to improve industrial jobs or the jobs of craftsmen and tradesmen”.