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The President of the Republic, who lost the absolute majority in the National Assembly after the legislative elections, said he was “very confident” on this subject, Friday, on the sidelines of a European summit in Brussels.
He wants “building compromises”. Asked about the French political crisis following the legislative elections at the conclusion of the European summit in Brussels, Emmanuel Macron, who lost the absolute majority in the National Assembly after the legislative elections, expressed, on Friday June 24, his desire to ‘“achieve constructive majorities”as in Germany or Italy, with “all governing parties”.
“This is what Italy and Germany are doing and this is what we will do, with all the government parties, to be able to build either a coalition or agreements on texts to move forward on a clear agenda. “declared the Head of State, who also took stock of France’s European presidency.
In addition, Emmanuel Macron recalled that “France is in a parliamentary situation which it experienced in 1988”, but that it is, in his eyes, a situation “terrifyingly commonplace at European level”. “There are about twenty who have coalition governments, some with five or six seven partners”he insisted.